
  • Three special events per season (usually with members of the Berliner Philharmoniker)
  • Invitation to one dress rehearsal per season
  • Preferential treatment for ticket reservations for specially arranged concerts (subject to availability)
  • Personal attention from the Board and management
  • Guarantee on availability of tickets (up to a maximum of 4) up to the pre-purchase deadline
  • Preferential treatment for tickets ordered after the pre-purchase deadline
  • Invitation to the season’s opening concert (and subsequent dinner) by the Berlin Philharmonic Foundation
  • Preferential treatment for subscriptions
  • Complimentary copy of the magazine issued by the Berlin Philharmonic Foundation
  • Preferential seating for association events
  • Mention in the Annual Report or other publications (if desired)
  • Invitations to receptions with members of the Orchestra
  • Participation in the Berliner Philharmoniker’s tours, including opportunities to attend rehearsals, obtain admission tickets and attend meetings with musicians and the General Manager (subject to permission and additional payment)
  • An exclusive evening and dinner with the chief conductor and/or Andrea Zietzschmann, the orchestra’s General Manager, and other orchestra members
  • Opportunity to visit working rehearsals and dress rehearsals of the Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra (subject to prior permission)

Online registration

I hereby declare to join the Friends of the Berliner Philharmoniker e.V. as a full member and agree to support the association with the following annual sum:

Further information:
Freunde der Berliner Philharmoniker e. V.

Herbert-von-Karajan-Straße 1
10785 Berlin


t  +49 (0)30 25488 222
f  +49 (0)30 25488 245

General manager
Sibylle Juling