Standing ovations for the premiere of Richard Strauss’ Elektra at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.
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Video: Adam Janisch
More impressions from the premiere:
Well-deserved applause for the singers and for chief conductor Kirill Petrenko. (from left: Johan Reuter (Orest), Nina Stemme (Elektra), Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke (Aegisth), Michaela Schuster (Klytämnestra), Elza van den Heever (Chrysothemis))
| Picture: Monika Rittershaus
Star of the show: Nina Stemme rages on stage for almost two hours as Elektra. | Picture: Monika Rittershaus
The performers together with stage directors Philipp Stölz and Philipp M. Krenn | Picture: Monika Rittershaus
Picture: Monika Rittershaus
The Festspielhaus from the orchestra’s perspective | Picture: Monika Rittershaus
Space is tight for the musicians in the orchestra pit. | Picture: Monika Rittershaus
Ovations for the orchestra after the performance. | Picture: Monika Rittershaus
The beginning of the end: Clytemnestra falls down the stairs as Elektra’s revenge takes its course. | Picture: Monika Rittershaus