Vincent Vogel | Picture: Stefan Höderath



Born in Vienna, Austria
Member since 22.08.2022


Vincent Vogel came into contact with music and music-making at an early age through his parents, who both played in orchestras. He was particularly fascinated by the sound world of the percussion. In his search for the ideal sound, he often spread all the utensils in the kitchen on the floor to find exactly the pot lid that corresponded to the sound he wanted. At the age of just eight, he was a junior student at the conservatory in his home town of Vienna. From 2011 to 2014, he studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna under Josef Gumpinger, Bogdan Bacanu and Christoph Sietzen. In 2015, he continued his studies at the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin under Franz Schindlbeck and Rainer Seegers.

Vincent Vogel gained his first orchestral experience in the Wiener Jeunesse Orchester, the National Youth Orchestra of Germany, the Österreichisch-Ungarische Haydn Philharmonie and as an intern in the Osnabrücker Sinfonieorchester. In 2017, he received a scholarship to the Karajan Academy and finally decided to pursue a career as an orchestral musician. “After just a few experiences of concerts with the Berliner Philharmoniker, I no longer wanted to miss this special feeling of making music in this environment.”

Before the musician succeeded Rainer Seegers as principal timpanist with the Berliner Philharmoniker in 2022, Vincent Vogel held the same position with the Staatskapelle Halle for three years. In his free time, he enjoys sports such as surfing, skiing and mountaineering, as well as travelling and being inspired by new experiences.

Behind the music: The taiko master
Video portrait

Video: Magdalena Zieba-Schwind, Adam Janisch

Gymnastics, cardiovascular exercises and marathon training - to control the Japanese taiko, the drummers have to be extremely fit. Timpanists Wieland Welzel and Vincent Vogel visited taiko master Eitetsu Hayashi during our tour of Asia, and learnt a few tricks from him.

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