Berliner Philharmoniker
Our partner Deutsche Bank

Spotlights and trees, a musician from behind, audience
Long Night of Museums at the PalaisPopulaire 2023 | Picture: Frederike van der Straeten

The PalaisPopulaire, launched by the Deutsche Bank, is a forum for everyone who would like to explore art and culture as an interdisciplinary experience and under one roof. In cooperation with the Education Programme of the Berliner Philharmoniker, art meets music. Musical expeditions through the exhibitions or a visit to the Long Night of Museums – for both young and old, there is a lot to discover!


New dates will be announced soon.

Wenn bildende Kunst auf Musik trifft, ist das immer eine aufregende Begegnung. Wie klingt ein Bild, ist eine Farbe laut oder leise? All das erproben Mitglieder der Berliner Philharmoniker oder der Karajan-Akademie mit Kunstvermittler*innen im PalaisPopulaire.

When visual art meets music, it is always an exciting encounter. How does a painting sound, is a colour loud or quiet? We try all this out with members of the Berliner Philharmoniker or the Karajan Academy.

MusicArt@Palais at a glance

Age recommendation: Children between 6 and 10 years old
Duration: approx. 45 minutes
Tickets: available in the PalaisPopulaire ticket store

Long Night of the Museums

The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is cooperating with the PalaisPopulaire in the program of the Long Night of Museums and is bringing along offers from the education program. Home-made instruments meet singing activities and poetry slams meet music.

The next Long Night of Museums will take place on August 24, 2024.

Werkstatt. Dialog. Musik

In this format, members of the Berliner Philharmoniker introduce themselves and their instruments and talk in a relaxed atmosphere about the works played in terms of interpretation and approach. Questions and a dialog with the audience are expressly encouraged!